The boys are supposed to come up tomorrow. I'm going to run down to Menards and pick up some clear corrugated fiberglass panels and have them cover my 'greenhouse' that Scott put up a couple of years ago on the deck. I need a greenhouse! I've got plants started but no place to put them.
I annealed a batch of beads the other night. Got some nice ones that I'm going to put on Etsy. Here's the first two:
Christian and I were out getting trees off of the fence. Our south fence is along the tree line between us and the housing development, and every spring we have to go out and get trees cut off that have fallen on the fence. For whatever reason, it's almost always the trees from their side that falls on my fence, and no one on their side takes care of it, so unless we want cows and horses getting out, we have to take care of it (Last year someone drove a 4-wheeler though the east fence and took it down. Stupid idiots! This is barbed wire! Hope it scratched up the 4-wheeler but good). Anyway, Christian is 25, and this is the first year I've let him use the chainsaw. I was hovering, actually hovering, while he was sawing. I am so pathetic!