I went down to the cities Wednesday and bought a used bobcat, which hopefully will be delivered Monday.
By the time I got back home four hours later, our driveway was drifted shut. I called Christian to see if he could get through with the truck, but it got stuck, so I parked our van at our neighbor’s and Christian hauled groceries back to the house on the sled.
Yup, definitely stuck, and hung up on solidly packed snow. Thank goodness our neighbor was home, so he fired up his bobcat and cleared out our driveway Thursday. We had to dig out quite a bit of snow from underneath the truck to get it out. And even better, Friday the propane truck came and we got enough propane to hopefully last until spring, which can’t come soon enough!
I’m still working on my butterfly drawing, it’s progressing slowly but surely.
Suka gets to lick out the containers of sour cream, and here he is happily napping with the latest container,
And some funny Internet pics,