Saturday, December 27, 2014

Sunshine!! Blue Sky!!!! I see them both! It’s been a long, cold, dreary, cloudy month, and I’m glad it’s on its way out. We got about an inch of snow yesterday, so everything looks fresh and clean now. Life is good…

I finished my zebra drawing, and I like the way it turned out. I’m on an African wildlife kick, so my next one is of a leopard.ZebrasConfusionofStripeslores-2014-12-27-10-38.jpg

Sunday, December 21, 2014

It’s appropriate, I suppose, that the darkest day of the year should be so dark and dreary. But we’re over the first hump of winter, and in about three weeks, the second hump, and the days will start to get warmer. Spring will be on the way!

I’ve been dragged kicking and screaming into Facebook, selling beads at auctions there. It’s been quite satisfying selling beads again, it’s inspired me to get back into torching. Here’s a couple of really neat ones I just sold yesterday. they have metallic shimmers that the camera just hints at,


My zebra drawing has been progressing quite nicely, I’m almost done with it and have started planning another drawing already.
