Would you like to see what happens when the gate gets unlocked?
They were certainly enjoying my front lawn.
The vet and farrier came Thursday morning to sedate Beauty and get her hooves clipped. Boy, did that medicine hit her fast! Here she was with Christian holding her,
and within 3-4 minutes of the shot, she was swaying,
At one point when Barry was doing her hind hoof, I was pulling on her halter with all my weight and Christian was in back of her pushing on her butt. I was afraid she was going to go down on him! The vet got in there and pushed her up against the hay bale, so with the three of us pushing and pulling, she got her hooves clipped. Look at that bottom lip,
We’ve been working on her feet during feeding time, pulling them up with a rope and holding them up, and she’s slowly getting better. Hopefully in Feb. when Barry comes back, she won’t have to be sedated so heavily.
My stomach has been churning the past 24 hours. I bought a new (not really new, it’s 10 years old) RV yesterday (contingent on mechanic’s inspection)! I’ve been looking since mid-summer for a different one, and my nephew told me when the right one came along, I’d know it. Well, the right one came along yesterday.
It’s a 35’ with 2 slideouts and it is REALLY nice!!! If I do get it, I hope to be posting some Florida photos in another 6 weeks. Sigh, I so hope it works out.