Just got back from the cities with our new van. A big orange exclamation point came on in it Sunday morning on our way to meeting. Christian looked it up in the manual and thought it was the brake override system, so we turned around and came home and made an appointment with the dealer. Sigh, guess what it was… low pressure on one of the tires.
So I made a shopping day of it. I went to Fleet Farm and bought new chores boots, dog and cat food, and various other things, then went to Trader Joe’s (wasn’t really all that impressed with it) and then hit Costco to stock up on a few things.
It’s been horribly drearing the past few days, wet and cloudy and dark. A portent of what’s to come.
Think happy thoughts, think happy thoughts, think happy thoughts…
I did more canning this year than I have for a very long time, I don’t know how many quarts of tomato sauce, 30 pints of grape juice, 20 quarts of grape juice, and 7 of apple juice. I’ve got most of my plants inside now, and next week will start digging up all of the dahlias and other bulbs and tuck them away in the basement. Nick came yesterday and picked up our two steers, and by now they’re hanging in a meat locker. Now we have to get our freezers cleared out and defrosted.
This is a really cool bead that I listed on Etsy, it’s got pink metallic shimmers over the striations. Neat!
Got to end with another snagged silly pet pic,