Saturday, December 15, 2007


Only about another week until the days start getting longer!!!! Can you tell I DON'T LIKE WINTER!?!

I bought another ferret. I was so depressed with everything happening, I went to Petco to look at ferrets. They only had one left, and she bit me so bad the store clerk had to run for a bandaide. (They gave me a discount. What could I do? If someone with less experience had bought her, she would have ended up in a cage or released outside. Not my baby!) It took a couple of days handling her with leather gloves, but now she's such a little sweetheart! (I named her Fang.) She falls asleep behind me on my chair when I'm on the computer, and she loves to play with snow, and Pip and her play together. She is just so much fun!

This is Frankie keeping Fang inside the dirt box.

This is Fang playing with Bandit

I have flexible tubes for the ferrets to play in, and this is Frankie keeping Fang inside one, with Taz watching

And here is Pip playing with Fang. She's hiding in a watering can.

I've opened a shop on Etsy. I have so many beads laying around, I have to do something with them, and ebay is such a let-down lately. I'm just not going to sell my beads for $1 a bead when it takes me 10-15 minutes to do one, and then to have to pay ebay and paypal fees... I'll see how Etsy goes, and maybe sell my orphan beads on ebay.

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